Sunday, 2 December 2012

Biodegradable plastic in automotive

Recently, plastic composites consumption in automotive industry has experienced a spectacular growth with many applications in interior, exterior and under-hood components.  Pressure in fuel-efficient and low-polluting vehicles increases use of engineering plastics to make lighter weight products (Bellmann 1999; Allred 2000)[ Marsh, 2003, Mann D., 1999]. Amount of plastic used in current average automobile increased triple compared to those in 1975, with 14% to total weight, approximately 145.2 kg per vehicle in 2005 (Fig. 1.1b). Consequently, plastic waste from end-of-life of vehicles (ELV) becomes increase faster. In Canada and United States, there are about 11 million of vehicles with 1.6 million tones of ELV plastic part were dump into a landfill each year [Duval, 2007; Mohanty]. While in UK, around 2 million of vehicles reach the end of their life each year (Bismarck 2006).
Percentage of plastic components in each vehicle part to Total Plastic used
Percentage of Material Relative to Total Weight [Source:]

The environmental awareness of the society has risen to the point that plastic waste should be reduced protection of natural resources and reduction CO2 emission. Plastics make up significant proportion of the volume of domestic and industrial waste (10 - 30%), which degrade very slowly and equally resistant to natural process [Arostegui et al, 2008; Kolybaba, 2003]. They contain chemical substances that could present a hazard for the environment and also need more energy to produce [Marsh, 2003; Rosa, 2001]. Accumulation of plastic residue makes difficulty of water and oxygen to circulate and delays living of organic matters that cause damage to the environment and all living creatures.
Conventional method used as plastic waste reduction was disposal in land fill sites. Nowadays, the focus is on the reuse and recycle of waste materials because of ecological concern and limited space of land filling [Yoshioka et al, 2008]. By 2015, European Commission (EC) through European Guideline 2005/53/EG obligates that vehicles should be constructed of 95% recyclable materials with 85% recoverable through reuse or mechanical recycling  (Ashori 2008).   Even that reuse of plastic product could be the most environment-friendly method; there should be further checking to make sure that the material meets the required quality. Several problems also faced in recycling, such as difficulty to recycle due to complex polymer structure, loss of some advantageous properties and requirement of sophisticated technology or greater energy (Bellmann 1999; Allred 2000; Ashori 2008); Yoshioka et al, 2008; Selke, 2002]. Surveys in Germany have shown that basically only around 40% of the plastics used in a vehicle are fit for mechanical recycling (Bellmann 1999). Recycling conventional plastic composites releases dust and hazardous gasses (CO2, NOx and SOx) into the atmosphere.
To overcome those problems, the automotive industry should seek more environmental friendly material to minimize the creation of plastic waste. An innovative solution to the disposal of ELV plastic parts can be the use of biodegradable plastic. They are environmental friendly, eliminate hazardous substances into the soil and in the other hand provide appropriate mechanical and physical properties (Bismarck 2006; Ashori 2008)[Environment Australia, 2002; Malinconico, 2008].  Some of them are made from renewable resources therefore reduce the emission of hydrocarbon. 

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Di ujung tanduk

Gleks..... sudah tahun ke-3 ternyata...Supervisor aka bang Igor sudah mulai menyiapkan jadwal aku harus kirim draft Bab I dan Bab II Januari nanti.

Sudah ngapain aja nih 3 tahun ini? Rasanya minder berat seorang teman di Laser group udah submit 5 paper journal. Waaa..... sementara aku baru mampu menyelesaikan 2 conference paper, 1 published paper journal dan 1 calon paper journal. Mau submit ke Springer masih belum nemu caranya pakai template-nya

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Kliping: Safety factor for dummy

Old joke:  “You see the glass as half empty, I see the glass as half full, but an engineer sees the same glass and says ‘it is overdesigned for the amount of fluid it holds.’”

     When an engineer starts out to build something, one of the first questions to be answered is how much load must it carry in normal service?  The next question is similar:  hom much load must it carry at maximum?  An engineer can study those questions deeply or very superficially, but having a credible answer is a vital step in at the start of a design process. 

     Here is an example.  If you design and build a step ladder which just barely holds your weight without breaking, what will happens after the holidays when your weight may be somewhat more than it was before you eat Aunt Martha's Christmas dinner?  You really don’t want to throw out your stepladder in January and build a new one do you?  Obviously you would should build a stepladder that can hold just a little bit more.  Don't forget what might happen if you loan your stepladder to your coach-potato neighbor who weighs a lot more than you do?  Can you saylawsuit?

     So how do you determine what your stepladder should hold?  Do you find out who is the heaviest person in the world and make sure it will hold that person?  Probably not.  Better, pick a reasonable number that covers, say, 95% of all folks, design the ladder to that limit and put a safety sticker on the side listing the weight limit.  Yep, that is how most things are constructed.

     But that is not all.  Once you determine normal or even the maximum load it is a wise and good practice to include a “factor of safety”.  That means that you build your stepladder stronger than it needs to be.  This helps with the idiots that don’t read the safety sticker; it also helps protect for some wear and tear, and it also can protect if the actual construction of your stepladder falls somewhat short of what you intended.  So you might build your stepladder with a FS of 2.  That would cover 95% of all folks with plenty of margin for foolish people that try to accompany their friend climbing the ladder; or when your ladder has been in service for 25 years (like mine), or when your carpenter buddy builds the stepladder with 1/4” screws rather than ½” screws like you told him to.

     Factors of safety are not pre-ordained.  They have been developed over the years through experience and unfortunately through failures.  Some factors of safety are codified in law, some are determined by professional societies and their publications, and some are simply by guess and by golly.  Engineering is not always as precise as laypeople think.
     It’s a dry passage but I’d like to quote from one of my old college textbooks on this subject (Fundamentals of Mechanical Design, 3rd Edition, Dr. Richard M. Phelan, McGraw-Hill, NY, 1970, pp 145-7):

“ . . . the choice of an appropriate factor of safety is one of the most important decisions the designer must make. Since the penalty for choosing too small a factor of safety is obvious, the tendency is to make sure that the design is safe by using an arbitrarily large value and overdesigning the part.  (Using an extra-large factor of safety to avoid more exacting calculations or developmental testing might well be considered a case of “underdesigning” rather than “overdesigning.”)   In many instances, where only one or very few parts are to be made, overdesigning may well prove to be the most economical as well as the safest solution.  For large-scale production, however, the increased material and manufacturing costs associated with overdesigned parts result in a favorable competitive position for the manufacturer who can design and build machines that are sufficiently strong but not too strong.
            As will be evident, the cost involved in the design, research, and development necessary to give the lightest possible machine will be too great in most situations to justify the selection of a low factor of safety.  An exception is in the aerospace industry, where the necessity for the lightest possible construction justifies the extra expense.”
            "Some general considerations in choosing a factor of safety are  . . . the extent to which human life and property may be endangered by the failure of the machine . . . the reliability required of the machine . . . the price class of the machine.”

            Standards for factors of safety are all over the place.  Most famously, the standard factor of safety for the cables in elevators is 11.  So you could, if space allowed, pack eleven times as many people into an elevator as the placard says and possibly survive the ride.  For many applications, 4 is considered to be a good number.  In the shuttle program the standard factor of safety for all the ground equipment and tools is 4.  

            When I was the Program Manager for the Space Shuttle, there were a number of times when a new engineering study would show that some tool either could be exposed to a higher maximum load than was previously thought, or that the original calculations were off by a small factor, or for some reason the tool could not meet the FS of 4.  In those circumstances, the program manager – with the concurrence of the safety officers – could allow the use of the tool temporarily – with special restrictions – until a new tool could be designed and built. These “waivers” were always considered to be temporary and associated with special safety precautions so that work could go forward until the standard could once again be met with a new tool.

            In the aircraft industry, a factor of safety standard is 1.5.  Think about that when you get on a commercial airliner some time.  The slim factor of safety represents the importance of weight in aviation.  It also means that much more time, engineering analysis, and testing has gone into the determination of maximum load and the properties of the parts on the plane.

            For some reason, lost in time, the standard FS for human space flight is 1.4, just slightly less than that for aviation.  That extra 0.1 on the FS costs a huge amount of engineering work, but pays dividends in weight savings.  This FS is codified in the NASA Human Ratings Requirements for Space Systems, NPR 8705.2.  Well, actually, that requirements document only references the detailed engineering design requirements where the 1.4 FS lives. 

            Expendable launch vehicles are generally built to even lower factors of safety:  1.25 being commonplace and 1.1 also used at times.  These lower factors of safety are a recognition of the additional risk that is allowed for cargo but not humans and the extreme importance of light weight.

            It is common for people to talk about human rating  expendable launch vehicles with a poor understanding of what that means.  Among other things, it means that the structure carrying the vast loads which rockets endure would have to be significantly redesigned to be stronger than it currently is.  In many cases, this is tantamount to starting over in the design of the vehicle.

            So to the hoary old punch line:  Would you want to put your life on the top of two million parts, each designed and manufactured by the lowest bidder?

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Langkah kaki menuju surga (insya allah)

Langkah-langkah kaki kami berderap menyusuri De carle st menuju moreland rd. Celoteh riang, canda ringan dan senyum mengembang mengiringi ayunan kaki kami. Panas terik matahari tak membuat kami mengeluh. Derai hujan tak membuat kami surut melangkah.

Kami tinggalkan sejenak kenikmatan bermain di playground. Kami tinggalkan serunya main catur bersama Simon. Kami tinggalkan asyiknya menyanyi bareng di Performing Art room.

Kami langkahkan kaki menuju tempat kami diijinkan bersujud kepada-Mu. Menuju barisan yang lurus mengikuti sunnah Rasul-Mu. Menuju majelis mulia melantunkan doa pada-Mu. 

Mungkin saat ini kaki kecil kami belum mampu melangkah panjang. Tapi Insya Allah saat dewasa nanti, kaki ini yang membawa kami menjelajah dunia. Insya Allah kaki ini yang membantu kami mencari tempat-tempat sujud yang akan bersaksi di yaumul hisab. Dan Insya Allah kaki ini pula yang akan meringankan langkah kami menuju jalan ke surga-Mu, ya Allah

Hawthorn, mengenang 2 term sholat duhur bersama anak-anak sholeh di Moreland Primary School

Sunday, 30 September 2012

Constitutive equation

Constitutive equation is an equation that describes the mechanical behavior of particular material

Linear viscoelastic model can be represented by Volterra equation connecting stress & strain
\epsilon(t)= \frac { \sigma(t) }{ E_\text{inst,creep} }+ \int_0^t K(t-t^\prime) \dot{\sigma}(t^\prime) d t^\prime [Wikipedia]

Nonton bareng: Emak ingin naik haji

Semalam kami sekeluarga nonton bareng film Emak ingin naik haji di you tube. Film ini dibuat Aditya Gumay dari cerpen karya Asma Nadia. Thanks to them for making this film.

Gambar diambil dari sini

Film ini bisa menunjukkan realitas kehidupan di Indonesia, terutama untuk anak-anak saya, yang 3 tahun ini tinggal jauh dari kampung halaman. 

Kisah si emak yang miskin bertetangga dengan juragan haji kaya raya mengingatkan sudahkah kita peduli dengan tetangga. Jangan-jangan kita enak-enak makan kenyang, sementara tetangga di sebelah kelaparan. Menyentuh sekali menyaksikan si emak yang notabene bukan orang berkecukupan memberi shodaqoh untuk anak tetangganya yang saking laparnya makan burung yang mati karena sakit. Sementara anak juragan haji ga mau makan ayam goreng dan minta pembantunya kasih ayam goreng itu ke kucing.
Jangan-jangan kita membelanjakan banyak uang untuk jalan-jalan atau naik haji/umroh berkali-kali sementara tetangga kita mengerang kesakitan karena tak ada biaya berobat.
Jangan-jangan tak terbersit dalam hati kita kerinduan pada baitullah. Karena cita-cita untuk haji sekedar memenuhi nafsu dunia saja. Indahnya kata-kata emak saat gagal naik haji dari hadiah undian. "Walaupun jasadku tak mampu menyeberangi samudra luas untuk mengunjungi Baitullah, aku yakin Allah tahu hatiku sudah ada di sana sejak dulu."
Shofiya sampai menangis terisak2 saat kejadian ini.

Subhanallah, so inspiring. A must to see film

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Cooking is learning

Hari ini Qoni hepi banget belajar bikin kue dengan micik, nenek Azzam yang baru datang dari Aceh. Qoni menyebut aktivitasnya itu kursus masak. 

Memasak adalah kegiatan belajar yang menyenangkan. Qoni belajar matematika dengan mengukur bahan-bahan kue. Memahami pecahan dengan menakar di cup, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8. Tanpa sadar dia mampu menjumlahkan pecahan saat diinstruksikan tepungnya 1/2 tambah 1/8 cup. Oh, jadi 5/8 ya, katanya. Qoni juga belajar sabar dengan mengaduk bahan sampai benar-benar tercampur. Tak boleh ada yang bergerindil, pesan micik. Qoni pun belajar membuat procedural writing saat saya menanyakan bagaimana cara membuatnya. Dia mengingat-ingat kembali prosedurnya kemudian menyusunnya sesuai urutan waktu. 

Hasil kursusnya kami nikmati bersama untuk buka. Entah berapa kali dia bilang enak banget, sambil tak henti mengunyah kue itu. 

Alhamdulillah Qoni menemukan nikmatnya belajar hari ini. Sumber belajarnya Micik, tempat belajarnya di dapur dan pelajarannya basic life skill. Insya allah menjadi manfaat untukmu, nak

Brunswick, winter yang tak kunjung selesai
Kue lumpang dan Qonita

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Qonita and her very own cookies

Qonita, sudah 9 tahun sekarang. Alhamdulillah, kemandiriannya mulai muncul. Mungkin tinggal independen, jauh dari simbah/eyang dan tanpa asisten memicunya untuk lebih mandiri.

Salah satu bentuk kemandiriannya ditunjukkan dengan membuat kukis sendiri. Suatu waktu, dia kirim email saya (saat kerja di kampus) yang isinya resep biskuit ANZAC. Saya reply: where do you get this recipe, nduk? Katanya, dia baca dari salah satu chapter booksnya yang berkisah tentang exploring Australia. Dan dia nanya, can I make this?
Sorenya, kami mulai membaca lagi resep itu dan praktek keesokan harinya. Alhamdulillah, hasilnya enak, semua suka biskuit itu. Beberapa waktu kemudian dia minta lagi untuk bikin biskuit itu. Tapi karena saya lagi ada kerjaan lain, dia bilang akan bikin sendiri. Karena biskuit ini simple banget, saya cuma bantu rebus air, butter & madu saja. Mulai dari nyiapin bahan, nimbang, aduk, dan membentuk Qonita lakukan sendiri. Baru saat tahap masuk oven, saya turun tangan lagi. Dia hepi banget, adik dan abinya suka sekali makan biskuit yang akhirnya kami rename jadi coconut biscuit itu.
Kadang, dia ambil dari salah satu resep warisan penghuni rumah kami sebelumnya, sejenis butter cookies. Yang ini, perlu bantuan saya pake hand mixer. Semangat sekali dia mencetak dengan berbagai bentuk cookie cutter, dihias-hias dengan sprinkle warna warni atau choc chips. Nah, untuk cookies ini biasanya dia share ke teman-temannya. Kata Qonita, they really like the cookies....

Insya Allah, ini salah satu tahapan untuknya belajar mandiri. Dia enjoy dengan aktivitasnya ini, merasa bangga dengan penghargaan keluarga dan teman atas jerih payahnya

Friday, 13 July 2012

All the earth is a place of prostration

Subhanallah, baru sadar setelah di Melbourne, bahwa semua tempat berpijak di bumi adalah tempat bersujud

Dulu tak pernah terbayangkan, sholat di atas hamparan rumput di park....
Atau di bawah tangga....
atau di kelas.....
atau di samping box di pasar, di tengah hiruk pikuk manusia.....
bahkan di atas hamparan salju putih

Mt Baw baw, 8 July 2012

Ya Allah, jadikanlah tempat-tempat sujud  itu menjadi saksi kami pada hari berbangkit

Thursday, 31 May 2012

Belajar membaca dengan membaca

Shofiya, 5.5 tahun sudah masuk primary school sekarang, tepatnya di kelas preparation. Semacam kelas nol besar kalo di Indonesia. Sebulan pertama di sekolah, pelajaran yang didapatnya 'hanya' common rules di sekolah. Seperti, gimana konsep sharing mainan dengan teman, apa yang harus dilakukan saat ada yang jahil, aturan untuk minta kesempatang ngomong di kelas, dll. Sesekali dia juga membawa worksheetnya, coloring page ato craft sederhana.

Pada bulan kedua, barulah dia diajari membaca. Ga seperti bahasa Indonesia yang memiliki pola yang baku pada kata-katanya, bahasa Inggris lumayan tricky (ini istilah teacher Qoni, Lucia). A pada apple bisa beda dengan A pada Australia. Kadang huruf I dibaca ai, kadang ya i aja. Jadinya, anak-anak itu belajar dengan phonics, misalnya the name of the letter is I (ai) but it sounds i (seperti itchy).

Yang menarik, selain dengan cara itu, anak-anak belajar membaca dengan membaca. Maksudnya, mereka diminta membawa satu buah buku untuk dibaca di rumah tiap hari. Buku itu dikelompokkan dalam level tertentu sesuai tingkat kesulitannya. Buku pertama yang dibaca Shofi berjudul It is Big. Buku ini tipis sekali, 5-6 halaman dengan ilustrasi gambar yang menonjol. Tiap halaman hanya memuat satu kalimat dengan maksimal 4 kata.
       The truck is big
       The bicycle is small
       The lady is big
       The baby is small

Dan ajaibnya, saat saya contohkan untuknya di 1-2 halaman pertama, halaman berikutnya mampu dibaca dengan lancar oleh Shofi. Entah karena dia lihat gambarnya atau karena dia hapal bahwa kata itu berbunyi big.

Setiap hari Shofi membaca dengan cara seperti itu. Buku-buku dengan kalimat sangat sederhana dan diulang-ulang itu membuat dia mulai mengenali kata I, you, and, the, an.... Dia jadi hepi,, I can read the books, katanya...Semakin pe-de dan tambah semangat

Salah satu contoh buku level 1 (waduh kok lupa catat judul & authornya)

Saat ini, Shofi sudah membaca buku level 4, dengan kalimat yang lebih kompleks. Semakin banyak buku yang dia baca, semakin banyak pula dia mengenali kata. Dengan cara belajar seperti ini, anak anak tak sekedar mampu membaca, tapi juga menjadi menyukai kebiasaan membaca. Reading is fun.....

Winter 2012, pusing setelah ngutak atik ANSYS

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Tempe goreng is yummy....

Kemarin kami membaca buku tentang Panti Asuhan.

Ummi: "Kasihan ya kak, anak-anak itu. Ga punya ayah & ibu. Ni lihat, maemnya aja cuma pake sayur asem dan tempe goreng"
Shofi: "Tempe goreng kan yummy banget"
Qoni: "Iya mi, besok masak sayur asem ya, pake tempe goreng!"
Ummi (mbatin): "Mbok ya dari dulu to nak, suka tempe. Di sini kan tempe mahal..."

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Creep Behavior of PLA-Based Biodegradable Plastic Exposed to a Hydrocarbon Liquid

Alhamdulillah, akhirnya publish juga. Mulai submit September 2011, revisi I Desember 2011, revisi II Januari 2012, revisi III Februari 2012, dan online di May 2012


This study explores the effect of hydrocarbon liquid on creep behavior of Polylactic Acid (PLA)–based plastic. Evolution of the mechanical properties of the material was investigated experimentally by measurement of creep under tensile load. Tensile creep behavior was studied with a constant load over a temperature range from 30 to 50ÂșC using specimens containing different levels of liquid. It was shown that the hydocarbon liquid diffusion obeys the Fickian law of diffusion. The viscoelastic properties vary with temperature and these properties dramatically decrease above the glass transition temperature (Tg). Significant decreases in modulus and in the peak of tan d were observed with an increase in liquid concentration at low temperatures. In contrast, at high temperatures, drier material recorded lower storage modulus. However, only small changes of Tg were recorded. Dependence of compliance on temperature was observed in the creep test at all levels of liquid content.  With respect to drier samples, it was noted that the high liquid content material had a lower rate of increasing creep strain with temperature. Therefore, at elevated temperatures, higher creep strain of dry specimens was observed compared to those with a higher liquid content. The improvement of creep resistance and stiffening of material at high temperatures can be attributed to the significant increase of crystallinity fraction induced by liquid absorption.  Understanding the effect of liquid diffusion in conjunction with temperature provides useful information for assessment of the potential use of this biodegradable plastic in load-bearing applications exposed to an organic liquid. 

The full text paper is available on:

Semoga bermanfaat......

Sunday, 6 May 2012


Salah satu hal yang saya pikirkan saat keberangkatan ke Australia  adalah bagaimana anak-anak saya tetap bisa belajar menjalankan kewajibannya sebagai muslim. Saat di Indonesia, tentu saya bisa memilihkan sekolah yang menurut saya mampu mendidik secara Islami, terutama membiasakan menutup aurat dan mengajarkan sholat.
Alhamdulillah, anak saya tetap diijinkan memakai kerudung dalam seragam hariannya di public school. Secara hukum, memang ada jaminan dari pemerintah yang mengharuskan sekolah membebaskan muridnya memakai baju yang sesuai keyakinan agamanya, termasuk jilbab.
Untuk urusan sholat, saya berusaha membiasakan anak-anak untuk sholat lima waktu, terutama ketika sudah menginjak usia 7 tahun. Saat summer, anak-anak bisa sholat dhuhur di rumah sepulang sekolah karena pukul 6 pm baru masuk waktu asar. Nah, ketika daylight saving berakhir sekitar autumn, waktu asar bergeser menjadi pukul 3 pm. Dengan keyakinan saya bahwa kemudahan jama' tidak tepat untuk kami yang mukim hampir 4 tahun di Melbourne, anak-anak saya minta sholat dhuhur di sekolah.
Melihat adanya mushola di kampus-kampus dan prayer room di tempat-tempat umum (hospital & station), saya yakin tidak akan ada masalah dengan aktivitas sholat di sekolah ini. Apalagi adanya jaminan kebebasan beragama, termasuk kebebasan tidak beragama.

Saat di grade 2, class teacher mengijinkan anak saya bersama beberapa temannya sholat dhuhur saat lunch break di dalam kelas. Di usia 7-8 tahunan mereka mampu sholat jamaah di tengah keriuhan murid-murid lain yang sedang break, cepat-cepat menghabiskan lunch, mengambil wudu dengan tertib, menunjuk seorang imam dan pulang ke rumah dengan laporan: Mum, aku tadi sudah sholat.
Aktivitas ini berlangsung lancar selama 2 minggu, sampai suatu hari anak-anak bilang: we are not allowed to pray at school now. Ternyata, larangan itu berasal dari principal sekolah.
Bersama parent lain, saya buat surat permohonan resmi ke sekolah minta kesempatan supaya anak2 kami bisa sholat kembali. Surat balasan kami terima, isinya: tidak diijinkan sholat di sekolah dengan alasan sistem pendidikan victoria adalah sekuler dan tidak ada supervisi untuk anak-anak saat sholat.
Sebenarnya, hasil konsultasi ke legal advisor di uni dan human right comission of Australia menyatakan bahwa religious belief must be reasonably accomodated.

Permohonan kami ajukan kembali, kali ini dengan dukungan lebih banyak parents, karena kebetulan cukup banyak Indonesian di sekolah ini. Tapi, jawaban yang kurang lebih sama kembali kami terima, kali ini dengan tambahan anak-anak diijinkan dijemput saat lunch untuk sholat duhur.  Perjuangan untuk bisa sholat duhur ini juga dilakukan di school council, semacam POMG (persatuan ortu murid & guru). Ternyata parents non muslim juga mendukung usaha kami ini. Harapan kami, anak-anak bisa sholat di sekolah.

Alhamdulillah, saat tulisan ini dibuat parents masih istiqomah menjemput anak-anak tiap hari ke sekolah saat lunch break. Anak-anak sholeh itu keluar dari kelasnya dengan tertib setelah lunch, tanpa ribut, tanpa mengeluh. Kemudian berjalan bersama menuju rumah parent terdekat, meninggalkan sejenak kesempatan bermain di playground, ikut choir atau main chess untuk sholat dhuhur berjamaah. Subhanallah, anak-anak itu menjadi begitu menginspirasi, kami para parents jadi malu sendiri saat kesibukan bekerja atau menulis tesis membuat kami kadang melalaikan sholat.

Mohon doanya, supaya kami tetap istiqomah dalam perjuangan ini. Supaya perjuangan ini tersimpan dalam memori anak- anak kami sampai dewasa, untuk selalu menegakkan sholat kemanapun mereka nanti berpetualang

Melbourne, 07/05.2012, waktunya membangkitkan semangat mengemban amanah